Music and Humanity


The twentieth century began in Sarajevo. The twenty-first century has begun in Sarajevo, too

Susan Sontag (1933-2004)


In many ways, the Bosnia war marked all of us.  For Bosnians, it was a time of unimaginable suffering and humiliation; for the rest of the world, it was an awakening of dark and inconvenient “Balkan ghosts.”  What stayed with all of us are the questions that are never to late to ask: How did we respond to that horror, could we have done more, and above all, what would we do next time if the ghost of genocide comes again, but this time closer to us?

Article & Book Prompting Thoughts on  Music and Humanity:

2012 Oregonian Article

Sarajevo Roses: War Memoir of a Peacekeeper by Anne Marie Du Preez Bezrob