About me:

For me, ‘Home’ is Salt Lake City, Utah. However, as a current graduate student in Oregon, home has become a much bigger range of people, places, and things. As a student, I spend the majority of my time studying, sleeping, and playing with my dog, Dexter Henry. On the few occasions when school does not occupy my time, I can be found playing soccer, exploring the outdoors that Portland and nearby areas have to offer, and enjoying the company of my friends and family.

The purpose of this page is to allow my colleagues and community the opportunity to get to know me, as well as to provide myself with an opportunity to reflect on my journey as a student and professional. My mission is to genuinely share my knowledge, passion, and optimistic approach to life, as transparently as appropriate, to include and help the individuals and community that I serve. I am committed to propelling myself and the field of occupational therapy through continual pursuit of curiosity, education, and advocacy.