Silk Road Issue 26 cover

If you’re a Silk Roadie, you will have noticed a few changes to Silk Road
Review this year. From revamping our website to updating our mission
statement as well as sporting a new logo, our staff—composed of full-time
college students—has been busy. Through these changes, though, the
consistency of quality writing and myriad voices has remained.

Michael Phillips’ quietly beautiful poem, “Survival Method,” sets the tone of issue #26, reminding us that sharing our words with one another is a declaration of existence. We put a lot of thought into building upon this theme, from Catherine Skinner’s haunting cover art, to a hopeful turn in the issue with Hunter Liguore’s story “A Kind Word from a Stranger.” Andréa Rivard’s post-apocalyptic account of a mother traveling with her son in a ravaged world concludes issue #26 as it puts into action that idea of survival the issue called us towards.