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Jaimey Danielson-McKeague: A Sedentary L...

Jaimey Danielson-McKeague: A Sedentary Lifestyle in Children Causes an Increased Risk of Pain

A Sedentary Lifestyle in Children Causes an Increased Risk of Pain   Abstract Background:  Healthy behavior in children is a concerning topic of discussion especially with the obesity epidemic continuing to grow in the United States. “Not only does a sedentary lifestyle have implications for physical fitness, per se, it also has profound implications for […]

Lauren Ljunghag: Subcutaneous Insulin in...

Lauren Ljunghag: Subcutaneous Insulin in the Treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in the Pediatric Population

Subcutaneous Insulin in the Treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in the Pediatric Population ABSTRACT Background: Diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA is an acute and fatal disease that is highly prevalent in the pediatric population.  The current gold standard of treatment is continuous intravenous regular insulin (CIRI), which requires admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) and is […]