Elizabeth E. Tavares

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Elizabeth Tavares is Assistant Professor of Arts and Humanities at Pacific University. Specializing in early English drama, her research foci include playing companies, theatre history, and Shakespeare in performance. This research has won prizes from the international Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society and the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities and has been supported by grants from the Mellon Foundation, Harvard University, and McGill University. Tavares’ scholarship and reviews have appeared in or are forthcoming from Shakespeare Studies, Shakespeare Bulletin, and The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, among others. She has also contributed to numerous theatre blogs, Digital Humanities projects, and edited collections in Television Studies. Tavares currently serves as Scholar-in-Residence with the Original Practice Shakespeare Festival, senior drama editor for the literary magazine, Silk Road Review, and editor for the International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities. For more, visit www.elizabethetavares.com.