Increasing Student Engagement in Early Learning Settings through the Infusion of EdTech

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Join me to learn how I infuse the use of EdTech in multiple ways each day with my early learners to increase engagement.  It’s really about staying simple.

I will model the use of Seesaw Learning Journal and Bob Books app.

The Seesaw Learning Journal is an app that is central to my classroom. I will share how I use it in my classroom and brainstorm new ways teachers might use it in their own. It has much to offer, such as real time parent communication (they absolutely love it and I get accolades for using it almost daily), simple interface/ease of use, informative and summative assessment, productivity, ownership of learning, digital fluency practice, and communication with an authentic audience–parents and classmates.

Bob Books will be used as an example for e-book reading using an iPad.

Finally, I will describe how I introduce Chromebooks and use them to differentiate learning during Daily 5 and guided reading groups.


More educators will learn to infuse the use of EdTech in their own practice, thereby transforming the way kids are learning.  I also hope to convince those that disapprove of school “screen time” that technology, if used intentionally, is merely a set of tools that can enhance and transform learning and teaching. As a result of more teachers taking the leap into the infusion of Educational Technology, students will become more engaged, digitally fluent and more future ready.