More Politics

Good Evening:

Today I would like to talk about the politics between Namibia and Germany. Although Germany has not occupied Namibia for a hundred years, one can still see the impact. Once Namibia gained its independence, Germany and Namibia began talking about developing bilateral relations with “the basis of a joint understanding on the past.” Both countries participate in the negotiations, and Germany has taken action to formally apologize, but they denied any responsibility to material claims. The relations between Germany and Namibia are very complex and involve many political factors and cultural groups. There is also the political and media spotlight of the skeletal remains of Namibians in the German museums. This issue is complex because they must identify the skeletal remains and separate them from other skeletal remains. However,  “In 2011 and 2014, the German Government helped locate the human remains,” so that they could have had proper burials. It’s a long and complicated process to repair the relationship between the two countries, but both sides are making progress and both are ready to move forward.

Bye for now,


Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul in Namibia in 2004

Amt, Auswärtiges. “Federal Foreign Office – Addressing Germany and Namibia’s past and looking to the future .” German Federal Foreign Office. 4 Sept. 2018. 30 Mar. 2019 <>.

Noch mehr zur Geschichte Namibias

Hallo Alle!

Ich habe über die Geschichte in einem anderen Beitrag geschrieben aber hier gebe ich mehr Informationen. Bevor Namibia ein Land mit einer einheitlichen Regierung war, war es ein Land, das viele Nomadenstämme hatte. Dann kamen im Jahre 1488 die Portugiesen vielmal, bis Deutschland und Großbritannien im Jahre 1885 das Land kolonisierten. Nach der deutschen Kolonisierung war Namibia unter der Kontrolle von Südafrika von 1915 bis 1989.  1990 bekam Namibia ihre Unabhängigkeit und wurde ein freies Land. Unten habe ich ein Photo mit einer Zeitstrahl von der BBC angehängt.



“Namibia Profile – Timeline.” BBC News, BBC, 8 May 2018,

Sahoboss. “Namibia.” South African History Online, 7 Mar. 2019,