

Hello again!

Before I went to Namibia, we questioned how much German culture we would see in Namibia. And now, I can say we saw quite a bit.  Signs of German culture are not overwhelming, but you can see them every day, especially depending on where you are in Namibia. At first I wanted to write separate posts on the cultures, languages, ​​and people, but I decided instead to make a longer post with three sections (see below).


In Namibia, there are ten tribes and ethnic groups. A small percentage of the total population is of colonial German descendants. In Namibia, there are about 30,000 Germans, which is one-third of the White Namibian population. Normally one can see German culture throughout Namibia, but in the cities of Windhoek, Swakopmund, Lüderitz and Otjiwarongo one can find a larger German influence. In these cities, German culture becomes obvious in the background of individuals, and in food, architecture, and language. We met many Germans in Namibia. We ate lunch with Felix and Marianne, we also met the owner of Peter’s Antiques and one of our tour guides; we were able to speak German with all of them.


Although you can see German architecture all over Namibia, I wanted to point out a couple of special buildings that we saw in Swakopmund.

Hohenzollern Building– This building was named after the German imperial family. It was used as a hotel and administrative building and is now known as a national monument and private house.

Kücki’s Pub-A German Pub that offers traditional style German food and drinks. See my other post for more information about Kücki’s Pub

Old Jetty– This structure in Swakopmund was made by German troops and the Second Railway Company. The purpose was to reach tug boats for importing and exporting resources and supplies.

Woermannahaus– This house was for the Damara Namaqua trading company and later become famous as the Woermann Brock & Co. It was the largest trading company of its time and used German architecture and materials for the building. Written in German on the walls facing the courtyard are the following sayings:  “Jeder lasse hier die Zweitracht vor der Tür” and “ In diesem Mauern mög Eintract dauern.” These translate to: “Everyone should leave discord outside of these walls” and “May unity prevail within these walls.”

German Evangelical Lutheran Church and Parsonage– As the name states, this is a German church and parsonage. Both buildings display German culture externally and internally, and one can visit during business hours. Inside are German Bibles and beautiful German architecture.


Namibia has many different languages; usually, people speak the languages ​​of their tribes. But many people know English, Khoekhoe, Kwangali, Lozi, Ndoonga, Tswana, Afrikaans, and German. German descendants typically speak German, and some children go to private German schools. The DHPS (German Higher Private School Windhoek) is in Windhoek; the website describes the school as follows: “It is an integrated German-Namibian school with a dual system, which is supported by the Federal Republic of Germany.” There are other private schools that are similar and are funded in a similar way. Although we met a good amount of individuals who spoke German, it is believed that only 0.9% of all Namibian households speak German as a native language, which is 4,359 households at the 2011 census.

* We also found a Goethe Institute in Windhoek, but I will make a new post discussing that.

Intouch Interactive Marketing. “Home.” DHPS. 30 Mar. 2019 <>.

“German Namibians.” Wikipedia. 17 Jan. 2019. Wikimedia Foundation. 30 Mar. 2019 <>.

“Cardboard Box Travel Shop.” The White People of Namibia. 2018. 30 Mar. 2019 <>.

More Politics

Good Evening:

Today I would like to talk about the politics between Namibia and Germany. Although Germany has not occupied Namibia for a hundred years, one can still see the impact. Once Namibia gained its independence, Germany and Namibia began talking about developing bilateral relations with “the basis of a joint understanding on the past.” Both countries participate in the negotiations, and Germany has taken action to formally apologize, but they denied any responsibility to material claims. The relations between Germany and Namibia are very complex and involve many political factors and cultural groups. There is also the political and media spotlight of the skeletal remains of Namibians in the German museums. This issue is complex because they must identify the skeletal remains and separate them from other skeletal remains. However,  “In 2011 and 2014, the German Government helped locate the human remains,” so that they could have had proper burials. It’s a long and complicated process to repair the relationship between the two countries, but both sides are making progress and both are ready to move forward.

Bye for now,


Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul in Namibia in 2004

Amt, Auswärtiges. “Federal Foreign Office – Addressing Germany and Namibia’s past and looking to the future .” German Federal Foreign Office. 4 Sept. 2018. 30 Mar. 2019 <>.

Namibia Fakten


Zuerst erzähle ich ein bisschen über Namibia! Namibia ist ein Land in Südwest-Afrika. Es gibt 2,5 Millionen Einwohner und 10 Stämme. Die Einwohner leben in 12 Regionen, aber die dichteste Bevölkerungszahl lebt im Norden neben Angola. Namibia ist 800,000 Km gross, das ist doppelt so gross wie Deutschland. Weil Namibia viele Stämme und eine lange Geschichte hat, gibt es viele Kulturen und Vielfältigkeit. Die Stämme und ethnische Gruppen in Namibia sind die Ovambo, San, Damar, Kavango, Herero, Nama, Caprivian, Busmen, Tswana, weiße Namibier, und andere. Der Ovambo Stamm ist der größte Stamm und weiße Namibier und andere sind Leute mit deutscher, britischer, portugiesischer und afrikanischer Abstammung. Namibia hat so viele Ethnien, weil es viel mal kolonisiert wurde. Zuerst wurde Namibia von den Portugiesen kolonisiert, und nicht nur einmal. Dann wurde Namibia im Jahre 1884 von den Deutschen bis 1915 und von den Britischen von 1915 bis 1920, als Süd-Afrika die koloniale Macht übernahm. Ich habe dieses interessante Fhoto mit Fakten über Namibia gefunden und werde sie unten posten, so dass Sie es genießen können.

Viel Spaß!


Pariona, Amber. “Tribes And Ethnic Groups Of Namibia.” WorldAtlas, 18 Aug. 2016,

“10 Things You Didn’t Know About Namibia.”, 20 Nov. 2012,

Noch mehr zur Geschichte Namibias

Hallo Alle!

Ich habe über die Geschichte in einem anderen Beitrag geschrieben aber hier gebe ich mehr Informationen. Bevor Namibia ein Land mit einer einheitlichen Regierung war, war es ein Land, das viele Nomadenstämme hatte. Dann kamen im Jahre 1488 die Portugiesen vielmal, bis Deutschland und Großbritannien im Jahre 1885 das Land kolonisierten. Nach der deutschen Kolonisierung war Namibia unter der Kontrolle von Südafrika von 1915 bis 1989.  1990 bekam Namibia ihre Unabhängigkeit und wurde ein freies Land. Unten habe ich ein Photo mit einer Zeitstrahl von der BBC angehängt.



“Namibia Profile – Timeline.” BBC News, BBC, 8 May 2018,

Sahoboss. “Namibia.” South African History Online, 7 Mar. 2019,

Tribes of Namibia


Before Namibia was colonized, the region that comprises the country today made up of tribes with no political boundaries or a cohesive government. Today in Namibia there are ten tribes and ethnic groups, with the Ovambo tribe being the largest and making up 50 percent of the total population in Namibia. The Ovambo are usually farmers and practice the Lutheran faith under a tribal chief. The Herero are also a big tribe. When the tribes were nomadic, the Herero were shepherds. In the Kavango tribe, there are five sections governed by a king under the jurisdiction of the Namibian government. They work as fishermen, shepherds, and farmers for their livelihood. The Damara tribe is a tribe about which we do not have much information. It is believed that they originated from the San tribes and were hunters and gatherers. The San tribes are many small tribes of hunter-gatherers, and they make clicking sounds in their language. The other tribes are not that big and there is not much information about them either. The other tribes are the Caprivian tribes (4% of the total population),  Tswana tribes (1% of the total population) and other groups, such as the Basters and White Namibians, which account for less than 1% of the total population. Below is a photo showing where each tribe was/is located.

Bye for now,


“Post Navigation.” Hippo Adventure Tours, 15 Oct. 2018,

COFLT Präsentation

Hallo Leute,

Am Samstag, 2. März 2018  habe ich eine Präsentation mit anderen Studierenden mit Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Germanistik als Hauptfach an der Pacific Universität  für die Tagung für die Confederation in Oregon for Language Teachings (COFLT) gemacht. COFLT hat mir ein Stipendium für mein Abschlussprojekt für Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Germanistik gegeben. Für diese kleine Konferenzpräsentation habe ich über meine Forschungsarbeit für das Hauptfach gesprochen. Ich habe den Deutschlehrenden an der Konferenz die Geschichte Namibias, die Inspiration hinter meinem Projekt, den Genozid, das Reisen, und die Ergebnisse meines Projekts erklärt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse, die man lernen kann, sind, dass es immer noch dauerhafte Auswirkungen von Kolonialismus in Namibia gibt und dass die kolonisierenden westlichen Länder etwas von diesen Wirkungen lernen können. Auch habe ich so viel von der Art und Weise, wie man Präsentation halten kann, gelernt . Bevor ich über Namibia gesprochen hatte, war ich so nervös und voller Angst, aber alle waren sehr nett und ich denke, es war eine pädagogische Erfahrung, weil ich jetzt keine Angst vor der anderen Präsentation, die ich machen muss, habe. Hoffentlich kann ich mein PowerPoint Präsentation auf mein Blog posten, und auch werde ich Fotos auf diesem Post haven. In der Zukunft werde ich meine andere Präsentation auch posten!

Tschüss für jetze,
