MoodleMoodle is Pacific University’s Learning Management System. It is a closed teaching and learning environment which houses online courses, resources, and activities.

Zoom — Zoom is a web conferencing software that allows everyone to simultaneously attend a virtual meeting (class) using your computer’s microphone and webcam. More information about Zoom: http://www.lib.pacificu.edu/cetci-video-conferencing/


Google Drive – Google Drive is a cloud service that allows you to store documents and other artifacts and then access them from any computer as long as you have an Internet connection. It also allows you to create, share, and manage documents. You will use Drive during the program to build and organize your portfolio of work for your coursework, annual evaluations, comprehensive examination, and dissertation process. At Pacific University it is a part of Boxer Apps, and you can access it and many other Boxer Apps with your PUNet ID by going to http://account.pacificu.edu/boxerapps. Google Drive apps are very similar to Microsoft Office. For instance, the types of files you can work with (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms) are similar to what can be created with various Microsoft Office programs. You can find more information about Google Drive here: https://support.google.com/drive/answer/2424384?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

Screencasting – during the program you will be asked to create short screencasts (no more than 3 minutes) that reflect your critical thinking on various subjects, present your research ideas and other topics to the cohort. Here is a list of possible applications you might consider using for video recordings and screencasts.

  • Screencast-o-matic – is free software that allows you to record your screen or yourself talking or both. It is easy to use and is available with web-based and desktop options. We recommend downloading a desktop version as it won’t rely on the Internet connection to record your project.
  • YouTube – you will be using YouTube to upload and share your recorded videos to Moodle.

ZoteroZotero is an application that allows you to manage and share research papers, discover research data, and collaborate with others online. Information on how to use Zotero is located here: https://pacificu.libguides.com/c.php?g=868299&p=6231216. Zotero also provides a citation plug-in that allows you to manage your research citations from within Microsoft Word. You can download and learn more about this plug-in here: https://pacificu.libguides.com/c.php?g=868299&p=6231268


WordPressWordPress is one of the most popular blogging and website creation system. It is also Pacific’s virtual place for ePortfolios.  In this program, you will use this WordPress site to create your personal profiles and if you like create your own program ePortfolio. You can find more information on WordPress here: https://ithemes.com/tutorials/what-is-wordpress/ and tutorials on how to use this powerful system here: https://communities.pacificu.edu/support/

Twitter — Twitter is a microblogging platform that limits each post (tweet) to 140 characters of text. Social communities created by “following” others using handles (@) or hash tags (#). In addition to following others, you can create Moments, Lists, and message others privately. Here is a tutorial to get you started: http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Twitter

Internet Taxonomies — The system of categorization, or classification, of things based on predetermined principles. In reference to Web sites and other services (like WordPress), a site’s taxonomy is the way it organizes the data into categories and subcategories. In reference to Twitter, a Twitter’s taxonomy would be hash tags (#PUIPEL2017 ) and handles (@PUIPEL2017). For example, this is a Twitter feed organized by #taxonomy: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23taxonomy