Give your work an online home
Start Here!
In just a few simple steps, you can easily get started creating and managing your own website. All you need is your PUNet username and Password. Follow these simple step-by-step instructions to begin!
Wordpress Tutorials
Tutorials on how to set up your own site, where to get help, what you need to know to get started designing your website/ePortfolio, an overview of the Dashboard, tools, and other options for your site.
About ePortfolios
What are e-Portfolios? Simply, an e-Portfolio is a website that contains a collection of a person's academic, artistic, or professional work. Find more information, see different ePortfolio examples and requirements here.
Sites Directory
Pacific University WordPress can be used to build a course or project website, provide peer review of authored content, build a shared resource for a class, create a personal ePortfolio and establish a professional Web presence. See what others have done already!