Refereed Scholarship


Ihas, D., Wilson M., & MacCormick G. (2023). Teaching violin, viola, cello, and double bass: Historical and modern pedagogical practices. Routledge.

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Refereed Article Examples


Ihas, D. (2023). “Geminiani grip”: Enduring legacy and practical application. American String Teacher. 73(4), 33-39. doi: 10.1177/00031313231197635

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Ihas, D. (2022). “She gave us the courage to explore”: Mentoring practices of Miss Dorothy DeLay.  String Research Journal. 1-22. doi: 10.1177/19484992221094813

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Ihas, D. (2021). Celebrating the legacies and pedagogies of eminent American women string pedagogues. American String Teacher. 71(1), 1–6. doi: 10.1177/0003131320977411

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Ihas, D. (2019). A mixed methods study on the status of school orchestra programs in Oregon: An explanation of inhibiting and promoting factors. String Research Journal 9(1). 5-22. doi: 10.1177/1948499219851144

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Ihas, D. (2017). Sculpting musical artists: A tribute to the legacy of Miss Dorothy DeLay. American String Teacher (AST) journal. 67 (4). 14-17.

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Ihas, D. (2015). The national core music standards and conceptual understanding of playing skills.  American String Teachers (AST) journal. 65 (4)36-39. 

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Ihas, D. (2006). Factors contributing to diagnostic skills competency of string teachers. Journal of String Research. 2006, 3, 25-41.

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Baker, L. V., Greer, J., Ihas, D., Lunsford, L., Pifer, M. J. (2017) Documenting the aspiration gap in institutional language about undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative work. Innovative Higher Education. 42 (2). 127-143.

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Baker, L. V., Greer, J., Ihas, D., Lunsford, L., Pifer, M. J. (2015) Faculty as mentors in undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative work: motivating and inhibiting factors. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 23 (5)394-410.

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Refereed Conference Proceeding

 Ihas, D. (2013). Teaching behaviors of middle and high school orchestra directors in the rehearsal setting. Proceedings of Thirteen Biennial Desert Skies Symposium on Research in Music Education. 82-97.

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