Description of the Experience
Interprofessional Global Health; Introduction to Global Health, Spring 2019. College of Health Professions representatives: Audiology, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy & Athletic Training. This class also held an Interprofessional Case Conference (ICC), that had representation from all professions in the college of health professions. My role was to actively partake in class discussions, bringing my personal perspective to each different issue, and help create material for the ICC and help facilitate it.
Interprofessional Competencies
After completing this experience, I am able to:
- Team and Teamwork: TT3. Engage health and other professionals in shared patient-centered and population-focused problem-solving.
- Communication: CC4. Listen actively, and encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.
- Roles and Responsibility: RR5. Use the full scope of knowledge, skills, and abilities of professionals from health and other fields to provide care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable.
Interprofessional teamwork: The levels of cooperation, coordination, and collaboration characterizing the relationships between professions in delivering patient-centered care. The importance of interprofessional teamwork was demonstrated in this class. We all had different amounts of regular course work, for our respected major, along with the additional work for this class. We had to collaborate and coordinate our time to be used very wisely for the amount of work we needed to accomplish in a short time. Not only did we have a class but also had to put together a case conference, which helped build relationships between the different professions to deliver patient-centered care.
1. Team and Teamwork: TT3. Engage health and other professionals in shared patient-centered and population-focused problem-solving. During the case conference, we focused on individual cases in different countries. We spoke in-depth regarding how to deliver care patient-centered care while also having to take into consideration the social and economic climate in that area. Although one might want to provide the best care for a patient, it might not be the most realistic option, and that is when we spoke about how one as a clinician can do their best to problem solve in the situation.
2. Communication: CC4. Listen actively and encourage ideas and opinions of other team members. Having to facilitate the ICC allowed me to listen and encourage my fellow student clinicians to step outside their profession and think about other perspectives. The ICC presented multiple scenarios of population displacement, such as environmental, economic, and religious issues. I was able to facilitate conversations between the different health professions regarding these various issues and brought new perspectives to allow the groups to discuss further outside of their original thoughts.
3. Roles and Responsibility: RR5. Use the full scope of knowledge, skills, and abilities of professionals from health and other fields to provide care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable. Each class we spoke on different issues regarding global health, each touched on health issues, and we had to discuss how we would approach it in an efficient, safe, and effective manner. Then the faculty would throw us an additional issue and see how that would affect the decisions we previously made. Most of the time, it made us critically think and change our decisions and have to consider the safety of the patient or population and sometimes the effectiveness of our decisions while considering these new factors.