Hi! My name is Jessika Chi (@jessikachi). I am a higher education professional who is deeply commitment to educational and social equity. As a former first generation college student of color, I understand the importance of creating an inclusive campus climate.
Currently, I work in the office for institutional diversity at Reed College to create a diverse and inclusive learning, teaching, and working environment. I develop initiatives designed to support the recruitment, transition, and retention of historically underrepresented students, staff, and faculty in education. I am constantly learning and sharing new inclusive pedagogical practices. Skilled with curriculum design and developing high-impact workshops, I enjoy creating educational opportunities designed to equip educators and organizational leaders with the skills, tools, and pedagogical practices needed in order to be more inclusive and effective in their work.
My scholarly interests involve exploring the social and cultural context of education and its impact on the educational system. My research interests include inclusive and critical pedagogy in higher education, particularly in liberal arts colleges.
I hold a B.A. in Political Science and English from Southern Methodist University and a M.A. in Educational Administration and Leadership from University of the Pacific. I serve on the Oregon Women in Higher Education Board of Directors and the NASPA Region V Advisory Board. I live by my motto: “challenge the status quo in favor of wild dreams – and don’t ever settle for anything less.”
I look forward to pursuing my PhD at Pacific University in the Education and Leadership program and integrating inter-professional practice into my work.
Jessika, I like your profile a lot. It is very professional!