Book: Just Enough

Just Enough: Lessons in Living Green from Traditional Japan

Azby Brown

With this book, you. will practice making drawings that communicate information as well as reinforce your understanding of permaculture principles by associating them with examples of practices described in the book. The book is availabler through the bookstoor, on reserve at the library, or in an e-version at this link

    1. For each chapter, choose a set of illustrations from the book and make a hand-drawn copy. You may modify the illustrations as you like. Scan your drawing and insert it into your copy of the “Just Enough” slideshow below.
    2. For each chapter, describe the practice that was most interesting to you and choose a design principle that characterizes that practice.  Compare that practice to its counterpart in the present day.  Does the current practice also characterize your principle?  If not, do you think it would be possible to convert current behavior so that it follows the principle you listed? Add your written comments to your document.
    3. (replace this link with your copy)