CE Community

Attend 3 Forest Grove community meetings

Community meetings provide local context for permaculture practice as well as offering opportunities to connect with others who share your goals and aspirations.  There are many options for fulfilling this requirement.  A few of them are listed below:

For each meeting, summarize the meeting activities in the report forms listed below.

Meeting Report 1 (due October 1)

1. What meeting did you attend?

  • Sustainability grant review

2. What was the date of the meeting?

  • Jan 2018, I wanted to take a look at order meetings, see if there was any actual change.

3. Why did you choose to attend this meeting? How does this meeting connect to the class? (give some context for your choices)

  • I choose to attend this meeting because it focused on the improvement of our town and help the preservation/enhancement of wildlife, riparian zones, wetlands, forest lands, and marine areas which I think is needed in our city. I want these areas to stay, not get ripped out.

4. Describe the activities that went on during the meeting you attended:

  • Improve the appearance or environmental quality of the community highlight what the sustainability commission has accomplished, as a means to enroll community support/participation in priorities and to widen the spectrum of solutions. Reduce the amount or toxicity of waste. Increase reuse and recycling opportunities. Result in rehabilitation or upgrade of real or personal property owned or operated by a nonprofit organization having 501(c)(3) status under the Internal Revenue Service code. Result in the preservation or enhancement of wildlife, riparian zones, wetlands, forest lands and marine areas, and/or improve the public awareness and the opportunities to enjoy them. Result in improvement to, or an increase in, recreational areas and programs. Result in improvement in safety. Benefit youth, seniors, low income persons. and/or underserved populations

5. How did you contribute to the meeting?

  • pre-recorded video.

6. Insert a selfie of you at the meeting below.

Meeting Report 2 (due November 1)

1. What meeting did you attend?

  • Sustainable grant review AGAIN

2. What was the date of the meeting?

  • Oct 17th 2021

3. Why did you choose to attend this meeting? How does this meeting connect to the class? (give some context for your choices)

  • I choose this because I wanted to compare this to the meeting that was 3 years ago to see if anything had changed. NOTHING did. All the same approvals were still needed, nothing had been added. It was all still a debate on how to change thing things.

4. Describe the activities that went on during the meeting you attended:

  • Same as the meeting 3 years ago, just with different peoples opinions on what they had to say on the items below.
  • Improve the appearance or environmental quality of the community highlight what the sustainability commission has accomplished, as a means to enroll community support/participation in priorities and to widen the spectrum of solutions. Reduce the amount or toxicity of waste. Increase reuse and recycling opportunities. Result in rehabilitation or upgrade of real or personal property owned or operated by a nonprofit organization having 501(c)(3) status under the Internal Revenue Service code. Result in the preservation or enhancement of wildlife, riparian zones, wetlands, forest lands and marine areas, and/or improve the public awareness and the opportunities to enjoy them. Result in improvement to, or an increase in, recreational areas and programs. Result in improvement in safety. Benefit youth, seniors, low income persons. and/or underserved populations
  • It seems like now this generation and the people on the committee had more of an opinion than in 2018. They were pushing harder than the others to have all these things happen.

5. How did you contribute to the meeting?

  • prerecorded

6. Insert a selfie of you at the meeting below.

Meeting Report 3 (due December 1)

1. What meeting did you attend?

  • November 1th – Council Meeting

2. What was the date of the meeting?

  • November 1th

3. Why did you choose to attend this meeting? How does this meeting connect to the class? (give some context for your choices)

  • Covid Updates, Street laws

4. Describe the activities that went on during the meeting you attended:

  • Covid Updates by fire chief, application to vacate boulevard st. restoring facility fees, the man likes to play pokeman (haha) while driving.

5. How did you contribute to the meeting?

  • There was no audience participation for this.

6. Insert a selfie of you at the meeting below.