SYL: Grading

Grades will be determined based on the presentation of the work product on the portfolio website. Each section has specific instructions for how the work should be documented. For the purposes of this course, if it’s not documented on the portfolio website, then it doesn’t exist!

Grading  Percentages:

  • 34%:  Projects and Charrettes, Reading and Writing assignments
  • 33%:  Service hours, Community Meetings
  • 33% Attendance

Attendance Policy
Given that this is a workshop course, class attendance  is very important. Please make every effort to be in class on time and plan to stay through the 2 hour 20 minute duration of the class. Coming late or leaving early will result in a partial mark for that day

If you must miss a class, please let me know beforehand. Absences with notification can be made up by working an additional 2.5 service hours. Make-up hours must be noted as such on your service hours timesheet.