Code of Conduct


Forest Grove CrossFit- General Code of Conduct

More Kid & Teen Specific Code of Conduct will be presented in the waiver when signing up. It specifies more about expectations on safety, getting along with others, listening, behavior, and attitude.

Please read the waiver and the following. We pride ourselves on having a safe, welcoming, respectful community where all feel welcome and can get in a great workout. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Be on time. It’s better to be one hour early than 5 minutes late. Being late will increase your risk of injury by cutting into your warm-up, stretching and mobility time. Respect your coaches, peers, and yourself by being on time.

Sign up for class. Coaches prepare for every class making sure things run smoothly by using the reservation list as a chance to set up for scaling the workout and accommodating each athlete needs to have a safe & successful workout. If you reserve a spot and don’t show or cancel last minute is not setting you up for success and annoys your coaches. Book your reservation responsibly! Show up prepared with a great attitude and ready to workout.

Check your ego and leave your problems at the door. Come in every day with the intention of evolving your fitness and supporting others as they evolve theirs. You will get out of this experience what you put into it. At Forest Grove CrossFit you are not only measured by how heavy you can lift or how fast you can move but presence of your

Positive attitude. Everyone has aches and pains, busy lives, stressful jobs, and heartache. We are a community of support and help each other in time of need. Use it wisely because it may not be that bad and someone in class probably has it way worse. We want to keep a positive environment during a workout! When sharing your daily lives keep it positive look for good thing to share and lift up the energy in class. Coaches, athletes, yourself, and everyone around you will greatly benefit from practicing a positive attitude.

Clean up after yourself. This includes any and all bodily fluids, chalk, tape, towels, shirts, belts, band-aids, water bottles, etc.

Put away all equipment including bars, bumpers, boxes, kettle bells, power bands, PVC pipes, etc. back where you found it.

Respect the equipment. Dropping loaded barbells from overhead should be done only out of necessity and not out of convenience. In the event where dropping weights is necessary please do so with a high level of awareness for the safety of those around you. Never drop an empty barbell.

Bring things to our attention. If you notice that equipment is broken, lights are out, no toilet paper in the bathroom, chalk is running low, or a member is in blatant violation of our code of conduct please let us know so we can address it.

Keep score accurately and WOD with integrity. Cheating is easy to spot and there is no faster way to lose the respect of our coaches and your fellow athletes than to cheat a movement or record a score on a workout that you didn’t earn.

Take ownership of the environment. Lead by example. Don’t let others engage in behavior that could be harmful to them or to the box. If you see someone making poor decisions, care about them enough to address it respectfully. We need to work together to maintain a quality environment that everyone would feel grateful to be a part of.

Introduce yourself to new members. We were all new once and remember how much better we felt after we knew a few names and faces. Welcome them to the box and help them get integrated.

Listen to the coaches. While the coach is speaking, you are not. If they ask you to lighten your weight or scale a workout, do it. We will never ask you to do something that is not in your best interest. If you have a hard time listening, following directions, and taking direction Forest Grove CrossFit may not be right for you.

Take constructive criticism. The more instruction you get the less your chance of getting hurt and the faster your fitness will evolve.

If you don’t know ASK. We don’t expect you to know everything there is to know about CrossFit overnight. It takes time to understand the movements, the culture, the lingo, the methodology. Be patient with yourself and reach out for help.

No whining EVER. Exude a vibration of gratitude and appreciation that you have the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing fitness community.

Last to FINISH. Every class has different levels of athletes. Someone is always last to finish. It may be an athlete trying to complete the workout RX it may be someone doing their very first class. At some point in time this will be you. This athlete always gets the loudest cheers and respect by taking that moment to recover and cheer. We don’t start stripping down our barbells and putting equipment away until this athlete is finished.