Adaptive Athletes


Forest Grove CrossFit

strives to be an inclusive, empowering community for athletes of all abilities and disabilities 

For our Adaptive Athletes, our message does not change from our abled bodied ones. Already stated for all of our athletes and members we pride ourselves in facilitating a fun, safe, welcoming, health and well-being promoting community. We hold high importance of inclusion for all, advocacy, opportunity, equality, stereotype-smashing, and no limits regardless of perceived “disability.”  We would like to bridge the gap, educate, and end separation that still occurs within our community. All human’s share the need to set goals, build a supportive community, have fun, and stay fit. CrossFitter’s all “scale” based on our own differing abilities, so whether or not that is physical or cognitive, anything is still possible with consistency and motivation. CrossFit stands out for its strong, supportive community. Forest Grove CrossFit and its community will continue this and strive to EMPOWER all.

We Welcome and Currently Have Experience Training:

-Special Needs Adaptive Physical Education Class from Forest Grove School District (10-25 children/teens of all abilities & diagnosis)

Autism Spectrum Disorder Individuals: Who need some sensory adaptions. Private and inclusion classes.

-Wheel Chair Athletes: All ages, varied diagnosis/injury. Some are sport specific (currently: basketball, swimming, & track athletes).