Non-Refereed Scholarship

Non-Refereed Articles 

Ihas, D. (2024). Banebrytende kvinnelige strykere: Liv lære og arv [Pioneering women string players: Life lessons and heritage]. Norway: ESTA-Norway. 4-9.

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Ihas, D. (2019). Karen Tuttle and the coordination approach: Teaching physicality of musicality. Oregon Music Educator Journal. Spring 2019. 17-20.

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Ihas, D. (2018). Setting the left-hand position on upper string instruments: A brief survey of related literature and rote exercises with teaching tips. Oregon Music Educator Journal. Fall 2018. 22-25.

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Ihas, D. (2018). Engaging orchestra students in higher-level thinking. National Federation of High School Music Association Journal. 35 (1). 37-42.

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Ihas, D. (2018). National music standards and teaching right-hand playing techniques to bowed string instruments students for conceptual understanding. Oregon Music Educator Journal. Spring 2018. 10-13.

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Ihas, D. (2017). Kató Havas and the New Approach to teaching violin. Oregon Music Educators Journal. Fall 2017. 8-10.

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Ihas, D. (2017). Teaching and learning spiccato in three stages. Oregon Music Educators Journal. Spring 2017. 15-16.

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Ihas, D. (2016). ASTA standards for successful school string/orchestra teachers: An overview and resources for string teachers’ professional growth. Oregon Music Educators Journal. Spring 2016. 12-17.

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Ihas, D. (2015). Assessment in orchestra classes: From compliance to ownership. Oregon Music Educators Journal. Fall 2015. 26-30.

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Ihas, D. (2015). STEM vs. STEAM vs. arts for arts sake: You decide! Oregon Music Educators Journal. Spring 2015. 6-8. (Reprinted in the Utah Music Educators Journal: Fall 2015)

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Ihas, D. (2014). Interpreting the new national core music standards: A conceptual approach. Oregon Music Educators Journal. Fall 2014. 26-28.

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Ihas, D., Wilson, M., & McCormick, G. Historically informed pedagogy for violin, viola, cello, and double bass [Manuscript in writing under contract]. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Analytical Essays in Edited Book

Ihas, D. (2021). Symphony No. 5, Allegro, Ludwig van Beethoven, arr. Jamin Hofmann. In J. P. Mick, D. A. Pope, and S. Han (Eds.), Teaching music through performance in orchestra (Vol. 4). GIA Publications.

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Ihas, D. (2021). L’Armonico, Op. 3, No. 11 in D Minor, Allegro, Antonio Vivaldi, arr. Bob. Lipton. In J. P. Mick, D. A. Pope, and S. Han (Eds.), Teaching music through performance in orchestra (Vol. 4). GIA Publications.

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Chapter in Edited Book

Baker, L. V., Greer, J., Ihas, D., Lunsford, L., Pifer, M. J. (2018). Supporting faculty development for mentoring in undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative work In M. Vandermaas-Peeler, P.C. Miller, J. L. Moore (Ed.), Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research (pp. 131-153). Washington, DC: Council on Undergraduate Research.

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Unpublished Dissertation

Ihas, D. (2011). Teaching behaviors of middle school and high school directors in the rehearsal settings. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.

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