Simons & Chabris (1999) Critique: “Gorillas in our Midst: Sustained Inattentional Blindness for Dynamics Events”

Simons, D., & Chabris, C. (1999). Gorillas in Our Midst: Sustained Inattentional Blindness
for Dynamic Events. Perception, (28) 1059-1074.

Arhe Vaninetti
Research Methods and Statistics, PSY301, Pacific University, Oregon
March 13, 2023

In Simons & Chabris’ (1999) study on perception and inattentional blindness, they aimed to create a comprehensive study that highlighted previous research on the topic, as well as to expand and consolidate their additional research. For this study, the researchers examined where attention is focused (mainly around a stimulus and not on it), as well as established typical methodology from previous studies (i.e., Neisser and Becklen, 1975). From these previous studies, Simons & Chabris (1999) suggest that the experiments on inattentional blindness could have been improved with varying task difficulty, and direct comparisons with the superimposed (transparent) versions of the videos and with the opaque versions of the videos. Continue reading “Simons & Chabris (1999) Critique: “Gorillas in our Midst: Sustained Inattentional Blindness for Dynamics Events””