Accommodation FAQs for Online Learning

In many cases, communicating directly with your instructors will enable you to resolve accommodation needs related to the change to online learning.

Contact Victoria Bartunek (victoria.bartunek@pacificu.edu) if you have questions or need support.

Needing Additional Accommodations

  • If you find that additional accommodations are needed in the online learning environment, please contact oaa@contact.pacificu.edu to request a review of your documentation.

Test Accommodations

  • Extended Time: If the exam is in Moodle, your instructor will be able to set your exam length within Moodle. It would be a good idea to confirm this with each instructor before your exams, including the amount of extended time you receive.
  • Reader: If you use a reader during exams there are a few screen readers that you should be able to use during the Moodle exam (including an exam requiring LockDown Browser). Please review the Text-to-Speech while in Moodle Lockdown Browser for guidance.
  • Scribe: If you have exams that need to be hand-written for some reason and you are not able to work out an alternative with your instructor, please contact our office.

Accessible Text Materials

If your online learning experience includes PDF or other online documents that are not accessible for screen reader or text-to-speech tools, please contact OAA Services (oaa@contact.pacificu.edu) as soon as possible so the document can be converted to a readable format.

Flexibility with Deadlines/Assignments

If you receive this accommodation, please continue to communicate with your instructor if you need to utilize it.

Have other questions about your accommodations during this time? Please contact oaa@contact.pacificu.edu . We want to assist you in any way we can!