Welcome to the Assistive Technology repository. Here you will find many tools to help you succeed in your educational endeavors. Assistive technology on any device, software, or equipment will help you to work around challenges. This site includes but is not limited to the following:
- Examples of assistive technology built into your computer.
- Examples of assistive technology such as text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and word prediction tools.
- Assistive technology is low-tech tools that are web-based and allow you to listen to any content on the internet.
- Allow you to convert speech to text for your assignments.
and many more.
If you would like to explore more tools or have any questions or help setting them up and using them please consult the Accommodation FAQs page for Online Learning or contact Victoria Bartunek (victoria.bartunek@pacificu.edu) or Tatiana Piatanova at tapiatanova@pacificu.edu