CE Service

Complete 24 hours of work-to-learn practice at one of the sustainability-oriented education sites in our community.

Hands-on practice of course material outside of class solidifies understanding and builds skills.  Working on site will help you to develop familiarity with the materials, tools, and processes that are used in permaculture practice and will prepare you for leadership positions as a course mentor or site supervisor in subsequent semesters.

In order to complete the CE requirement, you must log in 24 hours of work (about 2 hrs / week) outside of class. You are responsible for contacting the site supervisor and arranging work times. The site supervisor must sign off on your hours for each work session. You can use whatever method works best for you to document your hours, as long as I have access to your timesheet through this page.

Due to covid, some special guidelines apply:

Limiting the Spread of COVID-19

Before visiting any service site, students are expected to check themselves for symptoms of COVID-19 daily. Any student who is exhibiting any symptoms of any illness should not visit the site. Students who are exhibiting signs of illness (for example, coughing or sneezing) will be asked to leave the site and to contact the Student Health Center. Students will not be penalized for staying home while sick. Help care for each other: Stay home when you don’t feel well.

Students will wear appropriate face-coverings at the site. This includes either a disposable mask/face covering or a reusable cloth mask/face covering. If you do not have a face covering, you may ask the site provider for one. You may not visit a service site without a face covering and if you are at a site without  your face covering properly worn, you will be required to leave the site. Students unable, for health reasons, to wear a cloth face covering must obtain a documented exception from the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations.

Students will maintain a minimum of 6 foot distance from all other site attendees at all times unless the site has been set up to allow for closer contact. Students uncomfortable with in-person study have the option to study remotely.

Service ours timesheet are due at end of our finals time slot: 2:30pm, 12/11

Make a copy of the following sheet and replace it with your copy. Put your name into your copy of the spreadsheet title.

open timesheet (replace this link with the link from your copy of the spreadsheet)

Boxer Garden
Location: On Main Street, immediately north of the Athletic Center
Hours: See sign-up sheet
Contact: Ron Calkins

Forest and Farm School
Hours: See sign-up sheet

School Gardens
Hours: See sign-up sheet
Location: Various K-12 schools in Forest Grove/Cornelius
Contact: Elin Berglund
(For work study fill out the form at this link)

Terry’s Projects
Hours: See sign-up sheet
Location: Pacific Campus and other local work sites
Contact: Terry O’Day odayt@pacificu.edu

Open Sign up sheet