Guild Workbook


see goals

The purpose of this project is to:

  • Provide opportunity to practice finding useful information
  • Introduce and practice using Visual Design principles and elements
  • Introduce the concept of building a self-sustaining system for a specific purpose
  • Showcase the many ways plants can be used for human benefit

At the end of this project, students will be able to:

  • Use resources to identify opportunities and constraints that will influence design decisions
  • Organize and Integrate a variety of information to solve a problem
  • Present a solution that effectively addresses stated goals
  • Provide a clear summary of the reasoning that led to the final result
  • Produce a poster that effectively conveys complex information through the use of visual design elements and principles
  • Discuss the attributes and cultural requirements of a variety of plants.

Climate Zone

see climate zone

Using the chart below, describe the climate zone you are designing your guild for.  Include average high and low temperatures, average rainfall, and times of the year when precipitation falls. Also describe the growing conditions for where your guild is located.

LocationForest Grove
Climate Zone8b, csa
Average high temp62.4
Average low temp42
Annual percipitation45.5
Precipitation seasonWinter
Soil typeJory Soil
Soil Moisture-40
Light exposure11 hrs

External Functions

see external functions

The purpose of designing a guild is to provide for some need outside the guild system. What would you like your guild to do for you?  (such as provide food, wood, fiber, medicine, etc)

External Function 1: Food

External Function 2: Medicine

Why did you choose these particular functions? (give some context for your choices)

A love for food and a passion for medicine. All plants exert both fuctions.

In the chart below, list at least 3 plants that fullfil each of your chosen external functions. Also include the layer they occupy and the conditions that make them happy.

Plant NameLayerUSDA plant hardiness zoneGrowing conditions
Function 1ArugulaHerbaceous3-9Full sun, Partial Shade. Sandy, loamy, silty, clay
Function 1Apple (Tree)Sub-canopy3-8Full sun, partial shade. Loamy, silty, clay
Function 1CarrotRoot2-9Full sun. Loamy, silty
Function 2PumpkinHerbaceous2-9Full sun, partial shade. Sandy, loamy, silty, clay
Function 2TomatoHerbaceous2-9Full sun. Sandy, loamy, silty
Function 2WatermelonHerbaceous2-11Full sun. Sandy, loamy

Internal Functions

see internal functions

In addition to a desired human-support output function (such as food, fiber, building material, etc) guilds should include species that support each other. Examples might include things such as mulch provider. nutrient accumulator, insect attractor, nitrogen fixer, protector, etc. List 2 “internal support” functions you think are important for your guild to thrive and prosper.

Internal Function 1: Air Cleaner

Internal Function 2: Nitrogen Fixer

In the chart below, list at least 3 plants that fulfill each of your chosen internal functions, Also include the layer they occupy and the conditions that make them happy.

Plant NameLayerUSDA plant hardiness zoneGrowing conditions
Function 1 - Air CleanerEnglish IvyVine4-9Full Sun, Partial Shade. Sandy, loamy, silty, clay
Function 1MilkweedGroundcover2-8Full Sun, partial shade. Loamy, silty, clay
Function 1Lily TurfHerbaceous4-10Full sun, partial shade, shade. Sandy, loamy, silty, clay
Function 2 - Nitrogen FixerWhite AlderCanopy5-11Full sun, partial shade. Sandy, loamy
Function 2BuckbrushShrub7-9Full sun, partial shade. Sandy, loamy
Function 2Concha California LilacShrub, Herbaceous7-10Full Sun, partial shade. Sandy, loamy, clay

Species List

see species list

Using the information you developed above, fill the chart below with species you will include in your guild. Your guild should contain at least 7 species (one for each layer) Put an x on the chart to indicate the layer they occupy. Species must all share the same cultural requirements (same climate zone, moisture tolerance, soil type, etc)

Often (almost always) plants have multiple attributes. In addition to the primary function of the species, list any additional services that the plant provides in the “secondary function” column. Following the “stacking” and “resilience”principles, the most successful guilds will contain plants that fulfill many overlapping functions.

Species NameWhite AlderApple TreeEnglish IvyBuckbrushCarrotTomatoMilkweed
Primary FunctionNitrogen FixerFruit (Food)Air Cleaner, removes formaldehyde Nitrogen FixerOrange DyeContainer Garder (detractive)Air Cleaner
Secondary functionsCompost (N rich, breaks down soil)Soil Builder, fibrous rootsAnimal toxin and wildlife habitatFiber (basketry)Vegetables (Food)Fruit (Food)Food (flavor and thickener)
Sub canopyx

Guild Design

see guild design

Make a to-scale plan drawing that describes your guild and insert the image below. Include any relevant material that will help your audience to understand your concept. Remember to consider visual design principles as you plan the layout of your presentation.

Background Research

see background research

For the above sections, you will be using the internet and other resources to find information that you need to complete your design. List at least 10 of your sources in the section below. For each source, write a brief description of how that source was useful to you.


see poster

Using powerpoint or some other layout software, create a 24 x 30 poster and insert your poster below. Poster should oriented towards a client and be attractive, impactful, and follow the principles of visual design (see videos on the guild resources page). Be prepared to talk about the choices you made regarding the elements you used in relation to their placement on the page and the desired effect you want the poster to have on your client.

