There are multiple versions of sustainable design principles that apply to different sorts of design frameworks (landscape design, product design, architecture, etc) Though they may all look different at first glance, deeper study will reveal their underlying adherence to the basic idea that sustainable design seeks to mimic the way ecological systems work. The goal of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to compare and recognize correlations across some of the different sustainable design principle sets that various people have developed and also to get a sense of how many different ways these same principles can be applied.
For this assignment, review some of the different versions of the principles for designing with the concept of sustainability in mind that are listed below. Feel free to seek out additional versions as well. Once you start recognizing some of the underlying concepts that are described in the different lists, choose some that most resonate with you and adapt them so that they apply to your daily life or career choice. For each principle in your list, give an example that is relevant to yourself. Your list should contain at least 5 principles.
My Sustainable Design Principles:
- Work with Nature not against it. Use nature for what it is and do not disregard its beauty.
2. Be Resource Efficient. Use low energy when it comes to things in my home.
3. Accerlate Succession. Increase people’s rate of understanding and let the community know. The more people that know the better.
4. Appropriate technology. Small means more affordable and adaptable, fewer moving parts, and can be locally made/grown.
5. Care for People and Nature. Turn problems into solutions, limit abundance, and use mistakes for learning.
Permaculture Principles
Mollison 1
Mollison 2
Sustainable/ Ecological Design Principles
Systems Thinking
Regenerative Design
Hanover Principles
Natural Step
Biophilic Design (see section 4: 14 patterns of biophilic design)
Passive House
Living Building
MacArthur Foundation Circular Economy
Cradle to Cradle
Circles of Sustainability
Principles of Appropriate Technology
Permaculture for Teachers