Attend 3 Forest Grove community meetings
Community meetings provide local context for permaculture practice as well as offering opportunities to connect with others who share your goals and aspirations. There are many options for fulfilling this requirement. A few of them are listed below:
For each meeting, summarize the meeting activities in the report forms listed below.
Meeting Report 1 (due October 1)
1. What meeting did you attend?
2. What was the date of the meeting?
3. Why did you choose to attend this meeting? How does this meeting connect to the class? (give some context for your choices)
4. Describe the activities that went on during the meeting you attended:
5. How did you contribute to the meeting?
6. Insert a selfie of you at the meeting below.
Meeting Report 2 (due November 1)
1. What meeting did you attend?
2. What was the date of the meeting?
3. Why did you choose to attend this meeting? How does this meeting connect to the class? (give some context for your choices)
4. Describe the activities that went on during the meeting you attended:
5. How did you contribute to the meeting?
6. Insert a selfie of you at the meeting below.
Meeting Report 3 (due December 1)
1. What meeting did you attend?
2. What was the date of the meeting?
3. Why did you choose to attend this meeting? How does this meeting connect to the class? (give some context for your choices)
4. Describe the activities that went on during the meeting you attended:
5. How did you contribute to the meeting?
6. Insert a selfie of you at the meeting below.