DVD: Alone in the Wilderness

  • On this page, there are links to various goals and outcomes that are aligned with this course. After you watch the DVD, review the lists and pull out 3-5 that you think the movie touched on. Explain how you think the movie represented that attribute. (If you open the skills and attitudes in a separate window, you can easily copy and paste the phrases you select)
    • Evaluate sustainability issues and solutions using an approach that focuses on the intersections between complex human and natural systems.
      • Used the system around him to make the best and most practical things, tools, fishing gear, stove, chimney, cabin.
    • Demonstrate synthesis and advanced accomplishment in a discipline using appropriate modes of inquiry.
      • Spent every day working to perfect the cabin, made a beautiful cabin in the wilderness all by himself, with very select tools. Put lots of effort even into the minor details.
    • Convey meaning through the presentation of their own artistic work.
      • This cabin gave him a feeling of satisfaction when completed and done just by himself. The man really put himself into this project to try and show his artistic skill to all. Shows how sustainable and well off you can live in the wilderness when you know all about sustainability, permaculture, and the wild.
  • Choose one of the attributes you listed and give an example of how you have represented that attribute in your academic or personal life.
    • Convey meaning through the presentation of their own artistic work.
      • I believe there is meaning in my artistic work. I am not a very artsy person, but my arts are involved in school, athletics, and my profession. I try to find meaning in everything I do whether that is a homework assignment, a great moment, or even a meeting or interview.